Thursday, May 1, 2008

Grace of god

The state of mind is the pillar and post for peace and even more than that. Purity of mind is the subject that matters a lot. Purity of mind depends on the state of attachment to this mundane world.

Attachments with pious soul and saint bring eternal peace with all ease whereas the association with worldly matters drags life far apart from self.

Spiritual practice enhances the power of the mind. Meditation helps a lot to regain the true status of the mind. Yoga imparts great help to live on its varying subjects.

The less one attaches to this mundane world more one will enjoy peace. Where there is peace in eternal mode spiritual wisdom follows all along.

When one looks at the defects of others it is first his own mind gets disturbed while one realizes the mistake of self his mindset to get purify itself.

Desire formulates on the ground of mind itself and as long as it goes on transmigration will never reach its end.

The grace of God helps one to attain a true state of mind at its true pitch to interface truth for the cause

May God bless all,
Thanks, please.