Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hare Rama,
In life, it is a state of mind that matters a lot, though fate rules the life in almost every sphere and it makes the mind to feel the truth of joy or sorrows or dullness, 

It is a state of mind and its activeness on the subject to achieve the knowledge which is the one to interact in life to maintain the optimum pace of life. 

Knowledge is the true wisdom if one could achieve it at its true pace. 

Knowledge of self is the first among all to evaluate the merits to interact with. 

Knowledge could only be attained through the true pace of mind or true state of mind. 

Sharpness to interact with varying subjects of life, a fair intellect in truth with a healthy mind may help suitable,

The activeness of the mind is an essential truth to visualize the truth from its fair perspective, 

Nothing can be claimed to be the most appropriate to influence the mind yet a suitable environment in favorable conditions may feed the mind in respective spirit, 

May God bless all,
Thanks, please.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Wish to live a long life must include a healthy mindset and fair health,

Though surrounded by plenty of recurring challenges, life as a man is a meritorious truth to carry on with in spirit,

Man must keep longing for fair longevity of this unique cult of the journey,

Fair intellect and a sound mind are the truth to sustain in the journey of life,

Intellect feeds the mind and intellect is fed by an eternity of self through varying eternal chapters spirit belongs to,

Yet Yoga may help man suitable to optimize self in truth with intellect and the mind with fair harmony in them,

Yoga may directly influence the sky of eternity within the self,

The ways of reaching the source are many but the easiest chapter to adore is yoga, 

All the paths at some point merge into the universal path of journey within oneself through a defined chapter and that could be yoga to lead the cause from the forefront,

Man aspires to reach the truth of self in varying forms and yoga may help to move from concept to experience f taken in spirit,

Tough to believe that fate rules the life yet Yoga may impact it favorable is the truth of time, 

Adoration of yoga may enrich the spirit in many forms to take life on merits and pave the path for fair access hereafter,

May God bless all on,

Thanks, please.